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Latest Release Version2024.05.17

NebulaGraph DB v3.8.0

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This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, and supported by the community

Archived Release Version

Release Note v3.8.0


  • Introduced the SINGLE SHORTEST PATH statement. #5664

  • Introduced the INNER JOIN statement. #5664

  • The ROUND() function now supports various rounding modes. #5680



  • The SHORTEST PATH statement now supports LIMIT pushdown to improve performance. #5657
  • Optimized certain logic to mitigate the impact on write performance after a follower crashes. #5673
  • Optimized session management in the Meta service to reduce latency in high concurrency scenarios. #5762


  • Optimized the process of graph space deletion to reduce blocking time. #5754


  • Optimized the LEADER BALANCE algorithm for a more balanced load distribution. #5670

  • Introduced a limit on the maximum number of statements to enhance system protection mechanisms. #5790

Bug fixes


  • Fixed inconsistent results when executing the LOOKUP statement multiple times. #5662

  • Fixed the syntax error when UNION ALL was used. #5674

  • Fixed incorrect LIMIT results and crashes in SHORTEST PATH, ALL PATH, and NOLOOP PATH scenarios. #5679, #5699, #5787, #5789

  • Fixed the crash issue when executing the SHORTEST PATH statement multiple times with a memory tracker set. #5720

  • Fixed a filtering error to prevent the Graph service from crashing. #5740

  • Fixed execution failure in multi-variable scenarios. #5734

  • Fixed the issue that MATCH SHORTEST PATH did not support self-loop detection. #5738

  • Fixed the crash issue in some scenarios when the filter condition is never met. #5740

  • Fixed the crash issue with the ROUND function. #5773

  • Fixed the incorrect result issue when executing FIND PATH WITH PROP in a one-hop query. #5759

  • Fixed the performance degradation issue when the USE SPACE clause was included in a query statement. #5793

  • Fixed the issue that FIND NOLOOP PATH did not exclude self-loops. #5805


  • Fixed errors when executing the CLONE SPACE statement. #3005, #5781

  • Fixed the issue that no data was collected by the num_vertices_inserted metric when an index existed. #5756

  • Fixed a potential crash issue when queries and schema changes were performed simultaneously. #5855

NebulaGraph Products

NebulaGraph Studio v3.10.0

NebulaGraph Studio (Studio for short) is a web-based visualization tool for NebulaGraph. With Studio, you can create a graph schema, import data, edit nGQL statements for data queries, and explore graphs in one stop.

NebulaGraph Dashboard v3.7.0

NebulaGraph Dashboard is a tool that assists NebulaGraph service operation and maintenance personnel in daily service monitoring and management.

NebulaGraph Ecosystem Tools

NebulaGraph Clients v3.8.0

For developers to connect their projects to NebulaGraph.

NebulaGraph Console v3.8.0

NebulaGraph Console (Console for short) is a console for NebulaGraph. With Console, you can create a graph schema, import the demonstration nba dataset, and retrieve data.

NebulaGraph Bench v1.2.0

NebulaGraph Bench is a tool to test the NebulaGraph benchmark by using LDBC dataset.Currently. It only support NebulaGraph 2.0+ release.

NebulaGraph Importer v4.1.0

NebulaGraph Importer is a CSV importing tool. It reads data in the local CSV files and imports data into NebulaGraph.

NebulaGraph Exchange v3.8.0

NebulaGraph Exchange is to migrate both batch and streaming data of multiple formats from a distributed system to NebulaGraph.

NebulaGraph Flink Connector v3.8.0

NebulaGraph Flink Connector supports read data from NebulaGraph to Flink and write data to NebulaGraph from external sources.

NebulaGraph Spark Connector v3.8.0

NebulaGraph Spark Connector provides the capability to read data from and write data to NebulaGraph in a standard format required by Spark.

NebulaGraph Algorithm v3.2.0

NebulaGraph Algorithm is a Spark application based on GraphX. It uses a complete algorithm tool to perform graph computing on the data in the NebulaGraph database by submitting a Spark task.

NebulaGraph BR v3.6.0

Backup and Restore (BR) is a CommandLine Interface Tool to back up data of graph spaces of NebulaGraph and to restore data from the backup files.