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NebulaGraph joins LDBC to further the development of graph database international standards

NebulaGraph, a leading graph database technology provider, today announced that it has joined the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) as an organizational member. LDBC is the official platform for international benchmarking of graph and RDF data.

NebulaGraph’s move to join the LDBC means it is taking another step toward participating in developing graph industry standards and specifications such as Graph Query Language (GQL), an upcoming International Standard language for property graph querying that is currently being created, as well as a series of linked data benchmarks. NebulaGraph is also to play a constructive role in data evaluation guidelines across multiple industries including finance, manufacturing, and internet of things.

“With the ongoing digital transformation, more and more enterprises around the world have large linked data that consists of hundreds of billions of vertices and edges. The LDBC sets global standards for evaluating graph database vendors’ ability to handle those data. NebulaGraph is proud to be part of the LDBC’s organizational members and we are excited about the prospect of working on global graph database standards and promoting the establishment of graph query language standards with the LDBC,” said NebulaGraph founder and CEO Sherman Ye.

The LDBC is a consortium comprised of industry-leading companies and organizations in the database management system industry. Their objective is to “establish an industry-neutral entity for developing graph and RDF benchmarks, auditing benchmark results, and publishing audited results.”

The LDBC’s benchmark tests help graph database vendors identify weaknesses in their current architectures, identify problems in how they implement queries, and scale to solve common business problems. They can also help enterprises vet the performance of databases in a way that is relevant to common business problems they want to address.

Graph databases are involved in mapping the relationships between entities such as organizations, people, and transactions. Such technology could facilitate rapid contextualization for decision-making in 30% of organizations globally, according to market research firm Gartner.

NebulaGraph is an open-source graph database developed by Vesoft Inc. It is the world’s only large-scale graph database solution with a latency of milliseconds. Hundreds of enterprises around the world including Tencent, Meituan, JD Digits, and Kuaishou are already leveraging NebulaGraph technologies to boost their graph data processing capabilities.

About Vesoft Inc.

Vesoft Inc. is the creator of NebulaGraph, the world’s most capable database for big data analytics discovery. NebulaGraph provides an industry-leading capability of storing and handling billions of vertices and trillions of edges, with just milliseconds of latency. Its shared-nothing deployment architecture removes any single point of failure and allows fast recoveries, enabling the industry’s best business continuity.

In June 2020, Vesoft secured $8 million Series Pre-A funding from investors led by RedPoint China Ventures and Matrix Partners China, which previously contributed as an angel investor. For more information, please visit https://nebula-graph.io/.